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German LGBTIQ+
Business Chamber

Welcome to GGLBC

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Welcome to GGLBC

What is supplier diversity?

The world is connected through global and local supply chains, and many national/multinational companies have recognized the value of expanding their scope to include diverse suppliers, mostly SMEs*. The reasons for making diverse supply chains a priority range from social responsibility to corporate objectives to the desire to be competitive and dynamic market leaders.

Supplier diversity is a business strategy that procures, values, and promotes products and services from diverse suppliers. A diverse supplier is an SME that has a percentage of people from a traditionally marginalized or underrepresented group – in this case LGBTIQ+ people – in its management and operates as a legally registered SME.

Why is supplier diversity important?

When businesses proactively source goods and services from SMEs that are LGBTIQ+ and managed by LGBTIQ+ people, they unleash innovation and creativity through diversity, while reflecting the demographics of the communities in which the businesses operate. This in turn creates the potential to expand the customer base and enter new markets, while creating opportunities for LGBTIQ+ suppliers to grow their business.

A commitment to work with these diverse suppliers not only allows LGBTIQ+ SMEs to grow their business, but also offers the opportunity to benefit the LGBTIQ+ community through the creation of new jobs, higher wages, and increased visibility.

In addition to the growing interest of multinational companies, more and more investment groups are also interested in investing in companies that are committed to supplier diversity.

What are the benefits of developing diverse supply chains?

Since the Supply Chain Act (LkSG) came into force on 1st January 2023 in Germany, corporate responsibility for respecting human rights in supply chains has been regulated for the first time. LGBTIQ+ rights fall under human rights.

Diverse supply chains provide multiple channels for sourcing goods and services, promote healthy competition between existing and potential suppliers, and highlight previously untapped potential. In this way, they create new opportunities for SME expansion in the face of new consumer needs based on changing demographics.

Why are diverse supplier registration and certification important?

Registration and certification are the process by which an SME can have its status as an LGBTIQ+ supplier confirmed by a recognized independent body. This legitimizes the position of LGBTIQ+ SMEs in the diverse supply chain and enables companies sourcing goods or services from these SMEs to report on spending on diverse suppliers and promote their corporate commitment to supplier diversity.

What are the benefits for LGBTIQ+ SMEs?

LGBTIQ+ SMEs are often best placed to deliver innovation as they tend to be smaller and therefore more flexible and can change and adapt quickly to new business needs.

Other advantages of being part of the diverse supply chain include:

  • Strengthening LGBTIQ+ SMEs in the economy
  • Increasing social acceptance of LGBTIQ+ people in the business environment
  • Valuing supplier diversity as a lever for economic growth
  • Promoting SME growth and opening up new business opportunities
  • Helping people to come out in business

What do we want to achieve?

  • We want to increase the visibility of European LGBTIQ+ businesses so that they become a relevant group in their local business environment.
  • We want to increase the social acceptance of LGBTIQ+ people in the business world so that they can become influential players in their business world.
  • We want diversity to become a relevant value in the business world, leading to strong collaborations and creating unique business opportunities.
  • We want to make it clear that coming out in business is not a threat to existing successes, but that it is just as valuable as coming out in person, it makes businesses stronger, more authentic and more successful.

Your contact persons


The network for more diversity, innovation and growth

Registration is free for LGBTIQ+ companies – the opportunities for new contacts, orders and business areas are priceless.

Our goals

More innovations, market opportunities and potential for all business people. And with it new jobs, higher wages and better visibility for the LGBTIQ+ community.

Diverse supply chains are more important today than ever

More and more multinational companies now see diversity as a real competitive advantage with great innovative strength. This is also shown by the growing interest of investment groups in these companies.


DatumAktivität / Veranstaltung


Diverse Supply Chains


City. Country. Courage.

Berufliche Chancengleichheit für LGBTIQ+ Personen im ländlichen Raum – Herausforderung und wirtschaftliche Chance für Kleinunternehmen und Mittelstand. Gemeinsam mit dem Völklinger Kreis laden wir Sie zur gestreamten Podiumsdiskussion aus dem Amt für Integration und Vielfalt ein.




Pink Aging (or age differently?)

Erstmals in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik gibt es eine relevante Zahl offen lesbischer, schwuler, bisexueller, trans*, inter* und queerer Menschen, die ins Senior*innenalter kommen. Unter dem Slogan “PINK AGING oder anders altern?” wollen wir uns mit dem Thema differenziert auseinandersetzen. Die Veranstaltung wird in Kooperation organisiert vom Völklinger Kreis und dem Amt für Gleichstellung und Antidiskriminierung der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Queeren Netzwerks NRW. Gefördert wird sie vom Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.


360° Perspective Panel Discussion

Gemeinsam mit Henriette Reker, Oberbürgermeisterin der Stadt Köln, laden wir Sie am 16. November, dem internationalen Tag der Toleranz, zu einer digitalen Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema LGBTIQ+ in der Wirtschaft – Welche Chancen bietet eine Community-Wirtschaftskammer? virtuell ins Kölner Rathaus ein.


DiverseCity Duesseldorf


DiverseCity Cologne


DiverseCity Essen


DiverseCity Duesseldorf



The network for more diversity, innovation and growth

Registration is free for LGBTIQ+ companies – the opportunities for new contacts, orders and business areas are priceless.

Our goals

More innovations, market opportunities and potential for all business people. And with it new jobs, higher wages and better visibility for the LGBTIQ+ community.

Diverse supply chains are more important today than ever

More and more multinational companies now see diversity as a real competitive advantage with great innovative strength. This is also shown by the growing interest of investment groups in these companies.


The existence of LGBTIQ+ Chambers of Commerce – or Business Chambers as they are called in some markets – has been proven a successful factor of support and development for the community. Starting in the USA with the NGLCC (est. 2002), there are meanwhile Chambers in more than 50 North American states and regions, in 7 South American countries, Canada, South Africa and Australia. In recent years, European chambers are being established.

In June 2018, the founding of the European LGBTIQ Chamber of Commerce (EGLCC) was announced at an international conference in Vienna. In addition to the Scandinavian and Italian representatives, the GGLBC belongs to the European network, and is a founding member of the EGLCC. The GGLBC sees it as a responsibility to share their values and experiences with the other already existing Chambers and to support the foundation of further Chambers.

In Germany the GGLBC collaborates with the Prout At Work Foundation, which works to increase awareness of LGBTIQ+ in the workplace in ways that can be seen, felt and experienced.

EGLCC Founding Partners

Johnson & Johnson





EGLCC Corporate Partners


Sony Pictures





EGLCC Friends & Allies




The network for more diversity, innovation and growth

Registration is free for LGBTIQ+ companies – the opportunities for new contacts, orders and business areas are priceless.

Our goals

More innovations, market opportunities and potential for all business people. And with it new jobs, higher wages and better visibility for the LGBTIQ+ community.

Diverse supply chains are more important today than ever

More and more multinational companies now see diversity as a real competitive advantage with great innovative strength. This is also shown by the growing interest of investment groups in these companies.

Registration at GGLBC /EGLCC

The self-registration application in the umbrella organization of the EGLCC (European umbrella organization) aims to collect all necessary information about LGBTIQ+ companies, which fully benefit from cooperation with others LGBTIQ+ business owners within the EGLCC network, multinational companies and other business development organisations. The self-registered business must have a percentage of LGBTIQ+ person(s) as management and must operate as a legally registered business in each sector. The application was developed in accordance with the EGLCC standards. EGLCC, the European LGBTIQ Business Chamber, is the umbrella organization of all national European LGBTIQ+ Business Chambers.


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    *The term SME includes micro-enterprises, small enterprises and medium-sized enterprises. The Federal Statistical Office defines SMEs in accordance with the Recommendation (2003/361/EC) of the European Commission according to turnover and employment size classes. Micro enterprises are enterprises that – have fewer than 10 employees and – have an annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total of no more than 2 million euros. Small enterprises are enterprises that – have fewer than 50 employees and – have an annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total of no more than 10 million euros. Medium-sized companies are companies that – have fewer than 250 employees and – have an annual turnover of no more than 50 million euros or an annual balance sheet total of no more than 43 million euros.